A Prepared Community Can Thrive
November 3, 2023
Africa | Attir Village | Food | Income | Kenya | Sustainable Development

In 2023, there was a rampant drought that has affected Isiolo County, the neighboring counties, and Kenya at large. The drought is a result of climate change experienced worldwide. Our villages are not an exception to this, and it has given us a new dimension for mitigating challenges experienced in our village.
As GHNI is a first-hand emergency response organization, we came up with a plan of action for engaging our community on the best way to handle such a calamity. The Attir community was very responsive to our call to action for preparedness in the coming season. Throughout our Transformational Community Development (TCD) lessons, the community response has been positive, and many have decided to prepare their land for the long rain. This will gradually lead to bumper harvests, which will lead to enough food to face the challenge of drought in the future. In support of this, as part of our practical aspect, we have distributed seedlings to two different groups of farmers, and land preparation was done under our supervision.
Mr. Ome is one of the beneficiaries who paved the way for others by demonstrating our lessons on his land. He is a role model for many to learn from in regards to the irrigation project in Attir. He has already started a small project as he waits for the rainy season, which many anticipate will allow us to harvest enough food in preparation for future droughts.
Our coaching-based system has produced fruit, as we see our villagers going to the neighboring villages and creating awareness about the challenge of climate change. We believe this will bring great change that will help our villagers to be self-sustainable, to be a reliable resource for other villages to learn from, and therefore prepare them to achieve short-term development goals for farming and different farm practices.
Thank you!
Written By: Christopher
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