Working Together to Solve Problems
September 1, 2022
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Until 2018, when we used Transformational Community Development (TCD) lessons to teach how to approach the local council with issues, the drain was heavily flooded and it was difficult to cross over. I brought the issue to the notice of the Village Committee and suggested they approach the local Panchayat (village council) member to provide one reinforced concrete pipe (RCC) to make the crossing easier. After several applications to the Panchayat office, they threw some sand but did not provide any piping. We continued the pursuit, and they provided some concrete work near the area where people would cross, but the pipe was not provided, and the problem continued until the month of June.
In the last week of June, the villagers decided to make it themselves. They brought the RCC piping and placed it in the crossing area of the drain, all by themselves, without the help of the government. This step has not only solved the problem of flooding and muddy drainage but has also given the villagers confidence that they can do things themselves.
Thank you!
Written by: Sanjay
GHNI National Field Leader
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