Food Distributions Help Many Hungry Families
November 1, 2022
We are looking to transition from straight relief to focussing on more development projects, such as Empowerment Centres and Transformational Community Development (TCD) in villages. Over the last few months, we did several distributions. For example, we helped 70 families in the Balkball District in Saripul Province, 40 families in Bamyan, and 90 families in two distributions in Daykondi. Distributions were supervised by our government partners in three different provinces. Each family received 50 kg of flour, 20 kg of rice, 5 litres of oil, some tea, soap, and sugar.
Despite all the challenges and difficulties with the government partners, we submitted our six months and annual 2021 reports and received a tax clearance letter from the ministry of finance.
Through our food distributions, we became familiar with many people in different villages. We are not just Helping people, but we also bring Hope.
Thank you!
Written by: GHNI Afghanistan Team
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