Micro-Business Models Bloom
February 3, 2023

Over the last three months, the Transformational Community Development (TCD) training team finished facilitating the micro-business modules in Mawa. As the community practiced making business plans, they came up with a number of ideas to boost Income Generation in Mawa. After consulting with the training team and regional leadership, they formed a new committee for Income Generation efforts. They are hoping to move forward with a revolving capital fund for the purchase of pigs, with a set number of individuals withdrawing funds per year. They have mapped out income and expenses over the next 3 years, and if all were to proceed as planned, around 15 families per year will be starting their own pig-raising operations. They have extensive knowledge of pig-raising because, to this point, their primary source of livelihood has been raising pigs owned by wealthier people. They hope that with each new business owner putting 50% into the fund for each pig and GHNI contributing the other 50%, this fund can revolve indefinitely. Overall, it is a solid plan, and during the next quarter, discussions will continue.
Thank you,
Written by: Masri
GHNI Partner TCD Worker
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