Small Loans Make a Big Difference
February 3, 2023
Education | Food | Income | Katuwaghat Village | Nepal | South Asia | Sustainable Development | Water | Wellness

Recently, the Transformational Community Development (TCD) members evaluated their work in the areas of Water, Income Generation, Education, Food, and Wellness. The community shared their success stories about how they started TCD, what they have learned, and what they have achieved. As they shared with each other, people were inspired to continue TCD. It was quite beautiful to be there and be a part of it all!
Mandira’s* Story
My name is Mandira. I live in Katuwaghat Village. There are six people in my family, and we were very poor and suffered from financial problems. My husband had no job, and our family income was literally nothing. It was very difficult to manage our family expenses. When the TCD program started in our village, Miss Mary taught me some TCD lessons with a focus on Income Generation. She always encouraged us to start family businesses and raise our own income sources. GHNI provided me with seed money. I bought a milk-giving cow, and with that cow, I made a good income by selling milk. It has become easy to manage my family’s expenses. After that, my husband also learned the TCD lessons and participated in the loan program so he could start poultry farming. Now, we have good income sources and do not lack money. We are able to provide good food, clothing, education, and health for our children.
Transformational Community Development (TCD) Update:

This month I have taught 15 members about safe drinking water and how many diseases come from dirty water, causing people to get sick. Sometimes the villagers forget to drink plenty of water and become sick as well. This is why we had to teach them how much water the human body needs daily and what the importance of water is to human beings.

We have always taught people to eat a balanced diet, take vitamins with their food, and eat fresh vegetables and fruit. This quarter, I have continued this teaching and partnered with TCD to teach the villagers to produce food on their own land.

People have learned about community health and sanitation. They no longer go to school when they are sick. Thanks to the TCD community, life is better and healthier.

All the children of the village are attending school. Community members are supporting their daughters and sons equally for school education, and we have done follow-ups for their education.

Income Generation
Community members are very happy with the Income Generation program and teachings of TCD. Many families have been able to raise their income through new sources, and for the ones who do not have income, I encouraged them to join our TCD class and see the others’ outcomes.
Thank you!
Written by: Kiran
GHNI National Field Leader
*For the purpose of safety and wellbeing, “Mandira” is a pseudonym for the individual being helped by this project.
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