TCD Visits the School for the Deaf
February 3, 2023
The end of the year is usually characterised by giving, sharing, and spreading love in diverse ways. It was on this premise that the deaf school situated near the Apir community was visited and the message of Transformational Community Development (TCD) was shared. The hard of hearing students were taught personal hygiene with the aid of a sign language interpreter. They were told the immense benefits of proper hygiene and cleanliness. To improve their perspectives and bring what was taught to reality, some of the students got haircuts. The students were all enthusiastic and grateful.
Ahumbe Village is primarily an agrarian community. This implies that some locals may face challenges when they run out of farm produce. TCD lessons have been able to help reduce complete reliance on farming and explore other ways for Income Generation. Some loans were also given to help villagers establish other streams of income.
Thank you,
Written by: Bukola
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