Building Better and Bigger on Their Own
February 7, 2024

Our team had the privilege of visiting the village this month amidst the ongoing crisis in the area. This is the second time our team visited the village after the Mocha cyclone hit them. It was even surprising to see the quick rehabilitation of the community within a few periods of time regardless of all the challenges.
The village road was as clean as before, 80% of the village houses were rebuilt and looked nicer, the community facility was rebuilt , the pre-school was rebuilt and it was much nicer than the previous one, the school teachers’ and headmistress’s dormitory was restored, as well as the school facilities. More than 800 students are now learning in the school. These are just a few highlights of the community efforts to rehabilitate their community after the Cyclone.
The village leaders were so happy to have us. We had a great time together for a week learning new things together and encouraging one another while we were there. Now, for the next step, the community is working hard to build an additional school facility so that students have enough classrooms. GHNI provided some financial support to make their dream possible as we see their attitude toward education and development, hard work, and sacrifices. The school headmistress said, “I am overjoyed to hear that the community is going to build a new school facility. We don’t have enough classrooms and more than 100 students can not have class fully as we have to divide the classroom. I am a new headmistress here, but I see a lot of good things happening in this community. I am excited and I believe we can make even more progress together.”
Thank you
Written by: Solomon
GHNI National Field Leader
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