The Voices of Reason
February 7, 2024

We continued to provide Transformational Community Development (TCD) lessons to mothers in the Ezbit el Nakhl community. Mona, one of the women, said, “I learned in the child-rearing lesson how to deal with my disobedient children. I was harsh in communicating with them and only used commands without showing love to them. The teachings made a huge difference to me. I discovered that the problem was mine. I did not know how to communicate with them correctly. Now we are friends, and we talk to each other and discuss, and this has worked very well for us as a family.”
We continued to deliver the TCD teachings to the children of the community. One of the children, Cyril, participated and said, “I didn’t care about my school lessons, and I was spending a lot of time playing on the mobile phone and watching TV. My mother used to tell me to study my school lessons and not waste time, but I was negligent. I wanted to be successful, but I lived my life without a study system, unlike the rest of my friends. After I learned the lessons of studying well, my life changed completely. I made a specific schedule and included time to do my schoolwork, time to play, time to study, time to watch TV, time to sleep, and time for physical exercise. My life has become organized, and my performance in school has become better.”
Transformational Community Development (TCD) Update

Ten water filters (a bucket with a simple-to-use filter) were distributed to ten poor families, and a lesson was conducted on clean water.

Health awareness lessons on personal hygiene, high blood pressure, tooth decay, and dental hygiene were given, and blood pressure and blood sugar measurements were taken for 70 women.

Eleven women were taught to read and write and took a literacy test.

Income Generation
Income projects for eight families in Ezbet El Nakhl have begun during the past four months.
Thank you!
Written by: Hanaa
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