Aug 27, 2024 | Africa, Mali, Niamana Expansion, Sustainable Development, Water
Capitalizing on the Rainy Season Mali, a country in sub-Saharan Africa, gets only three to four months of rain each year, a situation that makes it vulnerable to drought. Nakoyaga, a farming community, has put all other activities on hold, including...
Jul 15, 2024 | Africa, Education, Income, Mali, Niamana Expansion, Sustainable Development
Niamana’s Total Buy-In The people of Niamana suffer from insufficient and, in some cases, total lack of resources for Income Generation. Lack of resources makes the locals live in extreme poverty, with a negative impact on families and their physical, mental, and...
Apr 4, 2024 | Africa, Mali, Niamana Expansion, Sustainable Development, Water
Water Need Supersedes Walk Education is an important part of Transformational Community Development (TCD). The initial assessment for Nakoyaga Village identified the need for a school as a major need. School-aged children have to walk 14 kilometers (about 9 miles)...