Adequate Sanitation is a Necessity
October 7, 2022

Kiwanjani Village, in Isiolo County, has been facing major challenges due to the lack of a proper latrine system. The poverty level in this area is too high, and they cannot construct a single pit latrine. There are no proper sanitation facilities to promote health. Proper facilities would allow people to dispose of their waste appropriately, preventing contamination of their environment and reducing risk to themselves and their neighbours. Many people in this area and its surroundings do not have access to sanitation facilities that would safely contain waste away from human contact and ensure that waste is properly treated.
The absence of basic sanitation facilities can result in an unhealthy environment. Without proper sanitation facilities, waste from infected individuals can contaminate a community’s land and water, increasing the risk of infection for other individuals. Proper waste disposal can slow the infection cycle of many disease-causing agents. Without proper sanitation facilities, the villagers often have no choice but to live in, and drink water from, an environment contaminated with waste from infected individuals, thereby putting themselves at risk for future infection. Inadequate waste disposal drives the infection cycle of bacteria and other germs that can be spread through contaminated soil, food, water, and insects.
After consultation with area leaders and the community, GHNI joined hands with the community to train them on proper sanitation and improve the accessibility of clean water and sanitation facilities. Through Transformational Community Development (TCD), we are vastly improving the living conditions and health of the families of Kiwanjani, making their world a much healthier place to live.
Halima is a living witness using available materials at their disposal. We helped her to build a simple pit latrine.
Thank you!
Written By: Dika
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