A Concrete Plan for Profit
October 31, 2022

The Mawa training team is finishing up micro-business modules in the community and encouraging everyone with a vision seminar refresher. The villagers have been wanting to partner with GHNI for an activity related to Income Generation, particularly focussing on their system of raising pigs. The team decided to teach business lessons with the hope of triggering ideas from key people so they could begin to take the lead. Over the last several weeks, the community has responded with a good level of interest in the material. A number of community members expressed their realisation that they had never taken Income Generation seriously, in terms of planning and budgeting. In the coming weeks, the Transformational Community Development (TCD) team will encourage more discussions to lead to a concrete plan to make raising pigs more profitable.
Thank you,
Written by: Masri
GHNI Partner TCD Worker
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