Local Resources Used as Concrete Reinforcement
November 4, 2022
In Huay Wai, the village has been struggling with the quality of their road. The road is so bad during the rainy season that it is impassable for all but people on foot. The village has come together multiple times, bringing whatever tools they have and whatever materials they can afford or bring to repair the worst stretches. We are currently working with the village on ways to improve the quality of the construction, as well as coordinating with the local governmental development authority on resourcing local materials for construction. We are so impressed with the resourcefulness, initiative, and solidarity of the villagers.
In Mae Pa Pai, the villagers identified caring for pigs, sewing/weaving, trash, and clean water as the main challenges in their community. Three women, including one teen, have stepped up as leaders, and have attended every Transformational Community Development (TCD) meeting. These women seem to have genuine hearts for the good of their community and we are excited to work with them.
Thank you!
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