Striving For Better, Together
December 2, 2022
Some individuals in the Transformational Community Development (TCD) group from Polewali Village have been striving toward a better life for their children for a long time. Masni is 32 years old and married with two children below school age. She opened a local kindergarten, which ran for five years before closing due to lack of interest. She then learned how to sew and repair clothing, a skill that she has developed into a business over the last several years.
Masni is one of the women who has become a crucial part of the soapmaking group within the GHNI program in Polewali. She and a group of women from the community are utilizing coconut oil sediment, a by-product of the village’s virgin coconut oil production initiative, to make soap and then sell it locally. Masni contributes to the women’s business group as treasurer as they continue to develop their product and prepare to market the soap to other areas in Indonesia.
Thank you,
Written by: Didi
GHNI Partner TCD Worker
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