One Woman’s Clay
December 19, 2023
Rusmida is a 45-year-old resident of the Polewali community and participates in Transformational Community Development (TCD). She earns income by crafting and selling various objects made from clay, a skill she learned from her mother. It just so happens that her skills are coming in handy for the next phase of the TCD program.
Throughout the TCD program, a major focus of the Polewali community has been developing a system in the village to bring water into their homes. After learning about a three-stage water filtration system from GHNI, they are taking the next step to ensure that the water is clean. In true TCD fashion, the community had the idea to build these filtration units using local resources, forming the basin from clay! The TCD team looks forward to seeing the results and how far within the community this effort will spread, contributing to improved health for as many families as possible.
Thank you,
Written by: Didi
GHNI Partner TCD Worker
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