Fire Safety
February 7, 2024
Africa | Education | Egypt | Food | Haggana Village | Income | Sustainable Development | Wellness

The lessons presented at our meeting for the Transformational Community Development (TCD) children’s program were about anger and how to deal with those around you when you are angry. Ilaria said, “I am always quick to get angry with my friends, and I have explosive reactions out loud. Through listening to the lessons at the TCD development meeting, I began to realize that because of my anger, I lost others, and I began to admit my mistakes. When I am angry, I go to a quiet place and sit alone to calm down and train myself to be calm. In speaking and not rushing to respond, I train myself every day.”
We continued TCD lessons with the women of the community, and we taught about the dangers of fire and how to take quick preventive measures. Mai, a mother of two children, shared, “There was a fire in the kitchen because I left a tray of oil on the fire, and it flared up throughout the rest of the kitchen. Suddenly, I saw fire coming from the stove. I quickly panicked and took my children away from the kitchen. I remembered the lesson I learned in the TCD program and took a large blanket and covered the fire with it. The fire went out when I cut off the electricity from the house. I took precautions and saved my children from the fire.”
Transformational Community Development (TCD) Update

100 bags of food supplies have been distributed.

We visited the cancer hospital and distributed gifts to the children. The children in Haggana Village were educated about cancer prevention, especially regarding the dangers of the preservatives in junk foods.

Income Generation
Eight women were trained in the sewing course and started sewing projects in their homes.
Thank you!
Written by: Miriam
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