Guiding the Youth into a Brighter Future
March 17, 2024
Ntulili Primary School is a public primary school located in Tigania East in Meru County, near Kiwanjani Village. Ntulili has a population of about 800 students, a majority of whom come from very vulnerable families. Most of their families are single parents who are doing odd jobs just to provide for household expenses.
Many of the children from these families have fallen victim to drug abuse, which is why we came in and started offering guidance counseling sessions once a week at the school. After months of offering counseling sessions, we have seen so much improvement! The students have improved in their focus, and there are fewer and fewer school dropouts. The school management is very grateful for the Transformational Community Development (TCD) work that has been done in the school.
Thank you!
Written By: Dika
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