I Am Worthwhile
March 17, 2024

A very important Transformational Community Development (TCD) lesson was shared with the women in Ezbit el Nakhl Village. The goal of the lesson was: “How do I accept love and appreciate my soul?” and also “How do I accept others, even if we have differences?” Madam Narges later shared her story and said that she was about to commit suicide and thought about it several times. She hated her life and everyone around her because of her husband’s mistreatment of her. She felt worthless and unaccepted by others. She shared, “But after I heard the lesson, I understood that I could be loved and accepted even with all of my faults.”
When Madam Narges became certain that she had importance, value, and acceptance, she began to accept herself and focus on the advantages and positive aspects of her personality. She was happy to find features in her personality that were absent from her understanding, and she began to love and care for herself instead of thinking about suicide because she found value in community and herself. She is currently working on being as accepting of others, accepting her husband with all his faults, and accepting her son as well.
Thank you,
Written by: Hanaa
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