STT Medical Outreach in Sierra Leone
March 28, 2024
Africa | Sierra Leone | STT
On March 1st, a team made up of medical and non-medical professionals stepped out of their comfort zone and traveled over 9000 miles to bring medical care and health education to 4 very impoverished villages. These 4 villages were selected as they wanted to participate in the Transformational Community Development program. The medical outreach fostered relationships with the community leaders and villagers. In 4 days, we treated 1,781 patients. The largest medical issue we addressed were intestinal parasites/worms due to lack of access to clean drinking water. We also treated many patients with high blood pressure and malaria. Every patient evaluated received health education so they are aware of the changes that they need to make in their life to improve their health.
We also provided over 500 pairs of glasses and 180 pairs of expandable shoes for the children. Over 40 volunteers from Sierra Leone joined our team as drivers, logistics, translators and our cook team. It was a very encouraging time for all! We have received updates that several of the patients with more serious issues have already been able to receive additional treatment in a Freetown hospital.
The TCD champions will continue to work with the villages over the next 3-5 years to become fully sustainable.
Check out the pictures below!
Written by: STT Field Team
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