Mar 10, 2023 | Africa, Ahumbe Village, Education, Nigeria, Sustainable Development, Wellness
Addressing Littering with Handmade Trash Bins Moses holds mentoring meetings once a week with hearing-impaired children and young adults enrolled in the Rehabilitation Center for the Deaf in Apir. He has incorporated Transformational Community Development (TCD)...
Feb 3, 2023 | Africa, Ahumbe Village, Education, Income, Nigeria, Sustainable Development, Wellness
TCD Visits the School for the Deaf The end of the year is usually characterised by giving, sharing, and spreading love in diverse ways. It was on this premise that the deaf school situated near the Apir community was visited and the message of Transformational...
Dec 27, 2022 | Africa, Ahumbe Village, Education, Income, Nigeria, Sustainable Development
Financial Planning Lessons Moses engaged some villagers in Apir and reemphasized the five areas of Transformational Community Development (TCD), which are Water, Food, Wellness, Education and Income Generation. During the lesson, they focused on their need for...
Dec 2, 2022 | Africa, Ahumbe Village, Education, Nigeria, Sustainable Development, Wellness
A New Village Gets a TCD Lesson John, a businessman who is also a Transformational Community Development (TCD) enthusiast and supporter, visited Apir and Ahumbe Villages. He took a tour of the different TCD projects that have been executed in the area. He was...
Nov 1, 2022 | Africa, Ahumbe Village, Education, Nigeria, Sustainable Development
Tailoring Apprentices Transformational Community Development (TCD) activities in Apir have slowed down a bit as this is the peak of the farming season and most locals are engaged on their farms. However, the tailoring centre in Ahumbe Village is engaging some...
Oct 8, 2022 | Africa, Ahumbe Village, Education, Nigeria, Sustainable Development
Sewing Vibrancy into the Community The Transformational Community Development (TCD) tailoring/sewing centre in Apir is fully functional and contributes immensely to the community. Recently, the community celebrated Children’s Day. The tailoring centre produced...