Jun 26, 2023 | Indonesia, Mawa Village, Southeast Asia
Ideas For Rebuilding The Mawa community continues to struggle with the fallout from the African Swine Virus that swept through the area, eliminating their primary source of income. The Transformational Community Development (TCD) training team has been walking...
Apr 30, 2023 | Income, Indonesia, Mawa Village, Southeast Asia, Sustainable Development
Looking For a Solution The Mawa community is still suffering the fallout of the swine virus that swept through the area. Residents are saying that it could be until the beginning of 2024 or longer before they can resume their primary income-generating activity of...
Mar 30, 2023 | Income, Indonesia, Mawa Village, Southeast Asia, Sustainable Development
Looking for Solutions It continues to be a difficult time for the Mawa Transformational Community Development (TCD) village after losing almost its entire primary source of income due to a virus that has wiped out most of the swine population in the area. The TCD...
Mar 10, 2023 | Food, Income, Indonesia, Mawa Village, Southeast Asia, Sustainable Development, Wellness
A Bumpy Road The road to a community lifting itself out of poverty can sometimes be a bumpy one. The Mawa community was prepared with their business plan to create a revolving loan fund for 15 families per year to start their own pig-raising business. However, a...
Feb 3, 2023 | Food, Income, Indonesia, Mawa Village, Southeast Asia, Sustainable Development
Micro-Business Models Bloom Over the last three months, the Transformational Community Development (TCD) training team finished facilitating the micro-business modules in Mawa. As the community practiced making business plans, they came up with a number of ideas...
Dec 27, 2022 | Income, Indonesia, Mawa Village, Southeast Asia, Sustainable Development
Honesty and Integrity Grow Trust The Mawa Village Transformational Community Development (TCD) committee has been working hard this month to develop a concept to help create and finance a revolving loan program. The community would then use these loans to buy and...