Training Brings Wisdom and Contentment
August 15, 2022

We continued to present the Transformational Community Development (TCD) programme in Ezbet El Haggana. A young boy, Ahmed, participated. He told of playing with his friends by throwing sand at each other and using little pistols that shot beads. He said, “Last week, I learnt a lesson about eyes, and I knew that my eyes were very important, and I must protect them and stay away from anything that might harm them. I shared the lesson with my friends. I completely stopped throwing sand at my friends and will never play with the bead gun again. Because I mean, they make me look beautiful, and if I lose them or get injured, I will not be able to replace them again.”
Here’s another valuable report prompted by TCD that involved a childless woman. She stated, “I have been married for a long time and have no children, yet. It was very difficult for people to talk to me as they looked at me as barren. I was filled with a feeling of discontent and dissatisfaction. I was very sad and cried for long nights.”
Contentment was a topic that we had discussed at the TCD meeting. Now this woman declares, “I decided to thank God in everything and be satisfied and not complain about not having children because God compensated me with an ideal husband, and I decided that I would not be affected by people’s words and their view of me.”
Transformational Community Development (TCD) Update

A meal was served to 75 people, including children and women in the neighbourhood.

Some lessons about personal hygiene and dental care
Thank you!
Written by: Name Azmy, Hanaa, & Miriam
GHNI TCD Workers
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