New Learning Changes Bodies, Hearts, and Souls
September 1, 2022

A woman from the Transformational Community Development (TCD) group for women, Umm Sami, told her story of living with diabetes. “I am diabetic. I would always feel physical fatigue and muscle cramps in my body, and over time I began to be treated for diabetes. My eyesight was weakening, and I felt unbalanced, but then I heard the lesson at the TCD meeting. I discovered that some things were wrong in my life as a diabetic. I used to eat a lot of starches, and I had an excessive intake of sugars, so I decided to help myself and control my sugar intake by eating in a healthy way. The result was good. My sugar was controlled, and I became much better.”
We continued to present the TCD programme in Ezbet El Haggana to children. The sponsor, Mihrael, participated, and one child told a story of an interaction between them. They said, “I could not obey my mother and my sisters, and the sponsor was upset with me and upset me. When I took a lesson here on obedience, I learnt that obedience makes people love me, and my relationship with them will be sweet. I went to reconcile with Mama and told her that, ‘I will hear your words and will not make you upset again.’ Mama asked me, ‘What else is there for you?’ I told her that I learnt obedience in the TCD programme.”
Thank you!
Written by: Azmy, Hanaa, & Miriam
GHNI TCD Workera
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