Embracing the Refugees
April 3, 2024
TOT TCD training was conducted for Sudanese refugee leaders in two areas of Great Cairo: Zahraa Nasr City and Ezbet El Haggana. Two committees were formed to serve and assist refugees. Transformational Community Development (TCD) classes for children were also started, and preparations are underway to start with the women as well.
We started the TCD lessons among Sudanese refugees about six weeks ago, after training a community committee of Sudanese refugee leaders. The number of children in Zahraa Nasr City has reached about 65, and two classes are provided for them. One class is for ages 9 to 12, and another is for ages 13 to 15. A little girl, Phoebe, shared and said, “I stopped hitting my sisters, and I learned that I must love all people. I used to hit my sisters because they did not listen to my words, but after listening to the lesson of love, I stopped hitting them and changed my way of dealing with them. Now, I engage in dialogue with them and share everything with them.”
Thank you,
Written by: Azmy, Mariam, and Youhanna
GHNI TCD Workers
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