Helping Villagers Save for Life
October 31, 2022

Kiwanjani Village, in Isiolo County, has been facing major problems in securing food. The area is largely dominated by villagers with minimal income, and there has been no major economic activity taking place to boost the lives of the inhabitants in this area. After noting the income gap, GHNI took the initiative to start a Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) to help the villagers save the little they have and be able to loan among themselves. This really transformed the lives of the mothers and young people in this area. One positive impact of the VSLA initiative is that people embrace change and a “saving” culture, which also helps several families to pay fees for their children for school or start small-scale businesses like salons, selling second-hand clothes, or selling vegetables for alternative income.
Rose is one of the beneficiaries of the Transformational Community Development (TCD) loan programme. She took out a loan and started a small eatery selling fast food within the Kiwanjani area. This has changed Rose’s life, and she has been able to pay fees for her children and buy more food. Rose is a living testimony in the Kiwanjani area and, on our last visit, she expressed her gratitude to GHNI and the team at large.
Thank you!
Written By: Dika
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