Love and Patience Brings About Transformation
October 31, 2022
After attending the lessons that were presented at the Transformational Community Development (TCD) meeting, Manal said, “I have a son who is supposed to be in high school, and because of the circumstances and the lack of income, he did not go to school last year at all. He and his sister did not have enough to cover expenses. I worried over the matter, and complained a lot, so I began to get tired physically and psychologically. However, I patiently saved some money during this past year, and I was able to pay the expenses of my son and daughter.”
We continued to provide a TCD programme at the end of the summer vacation, and with the idea of helping children to be programme participants, some of the outstanding children were honoured and given a certificate. Tony shared about one of the honourees and said, “I could not love my brother, and we constantly had disagreements over even the most trivial of things. When I learnt here in the programme that I must love all people, especially my family, I changed, and now I love my brother. Our relationship has become good.”
Thank you,
Written by: Azmy, Hanaa, & Miriam
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