A Child’s Understanding Grows
December 2, 2022

We continued to introduce the Transformational Community Development (TCD) program in the Shobra Al Kheima Village. 11-year-old Abanub shared, “I didn’t care about my appearance and would not brush my teeth or live as normally as any boy. I heard a lesson about being healthy and learned what healthy eating is. Now, the first thing I do when I wake up is exercise, take a shower, comb my hair, and wear clean clothes. I also learned to be obedient to Papa and Mama, not to sneeze at or on anyone, and not to lie to or hit any of the children. I learned to love all people, help the needy, stay away from things that harm me like cigarettes, and to choose good friends.”
Thank you,
Written by: Azmy, Hanaa, Miriam
GHNI TCD Workers
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