Farming Leads to Life
December 2, 2022
Africa | Attir Village | Food | Income | Kenya | Sustainable Development | Water

Farming in Attir Village has taken center stage, and the villagers no longer depend on livestock raising as they used to. After water was drilled in Attir, they started farming, which has helped them put food on the table despite such a long drought. They have also been able to sell some produce for income to support their children’s school and clothing needs.
Through Transformational Community Development (TCD), seedlings were provided for the community, which have been so helpful now that the whole of northern Kenya has been hit by drought and hunger. Many children are malnourished and dying of hunger. In Attir, things are looking up due to their small farms, which were introduced by GHNI.
Elizabeth is one of the new farmers in Attir who never believed in farming but focused on keeping livestock. When the drought hit, all her cattle died, and she changed her mindset. Now she farms vegetables and is able to put food on the table for her family. She sells some for income as well. She is grateful to the GHNI community for helping her realize farming is the best way for her and the community in Attir to thrive.
Thank you,
Written By: Christopher
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