Becoming Self Reliant
December 27, 2022
Gem Village is now becoming one of the most self-sustainable communities in Isiolo. Everyone is busy doing something constructive in order to provide for their families.
GHNI, together with members of Transformational Community Development (TCD) in the community, has been doing a lot of mentorship work in the areas of farming, small-scale business building, and also through classes on maintaining good health. This has been especially important now that there has been an outbreak of cholera. We have gathered a few Wellness Committee workers who go door-to-door teaching on the importance of cleanliness and how to manage the disease.
GHNI gave out microloans to villagers who were serious and ready to start a business. Narumbe is one of the villagers who has benefited from the loan she was given to start a grocery business. Since there was no other such business in the community, she has benefited immensely because the whole Gem community buys groceries from her. She was able to hire an employee to continue with the business as she opened a hotel, which is also doing quite well. Narumbe is so grateful to GHNI for the support and advice we have given her.
Thank you!
Written By: Christopher
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