Water For an Entire Village
March 10, 2023

Water is a basic need for human beings and animals. Gem Village has been suffering from a lack of water due to the harsh weather conditions in Kenya. For months, there has been such a severe drought that villagers have lost their herds and have had to drink and cook with untreated water from a nearby river. This has brought about an outbreak of cholera in the community. GHNI noticed the suffering of the community, especially the children below the age of five, and through Transformational Community Development (TCD), they partnered with local organizations in Isiolo and came up with a lasting solution for the Gem community.
After a few months of planning, GHNI was able to install Water for Gem Village, and now they have started farming activities, which have been so beneficial to them. Water was brought to their nearest point of intake, where they are able to easily access it. Diseases like cholera have been greatly reduced.
After a short period of time, the water pump developed a problem, but we came in and solved the issue, so now the community is using the water without any hitches. Gem community members are happy and thankful to GHNI for the great work that they are doing in serving the Gem community. Samuel is a happy man because he is a beneficiary of the water installation. He really enjoys the water services near his home since he cares for animals.
Thank you!
Written By: Christopher
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