Communities Encourage Each Other
March 30, 2023

In the first month of the year 2023, we organized a review meeting and discussed our past progress along with the work they’re currently doing. They are happily sharing the teachings they learn in Transformational Community Development (TCD). Our focus is on how community members can encourage others to partner with TCD to change their livelihood. At the beginning of the new year, they committed to following their plan and strategy for this community.
The Water committee is doing good work and is always trying to find new resources for water. They are more aware of maintaining clean and safe water sources and will continue to bring awareness to the village.
Sajala* lives in Katuwaghat Village in the Morang district and told me her story. “There are five members in my family. We are poor and struggle for a living. My husband used to do labor and manage family expenses, but it was very difficult to find work and manage the basic needs of the family. I had no income source, and my children had no opportunity for an education because of poverty. Many times we only had enough food to eat once per day. Our family life was sorrowful, with no income, no clothes, no health, and no education. Life was empty and dark. We wished for a good living, but there seemed to be no way.
“When the TCD program came, I was able to start good things for the family. I learned many lessons from TCD, and my husband and I started our own local chicken farm business with the help of TCD seed money. We raised a little income and became very inspired to work hard in order to make more profit. Now we have a good income, and all the financial problems are solved. We even became successful enough to send our children to school.”
Transformational Community Development (TCD) Update:

I taught about eating different foods and how different nutritious foods are available during different seasons. I also taught families to not eat much junk food or feed it to children, and that alcohol, smoking, and other unhealthy habits should be avoided. The TCD teachings have become very useful to the community members. They are simple but very important lessons that the participants accepted very well.

I taught villagers about the vaccines that children must get from the health center in order to be safe from different diseases. Early immunization is essential for children, but many people used to refuse to go to the hospital for treatment, instead going to witchcraft (Jhankri) practitioners. TCD encourages people to go to the hospital when they become ill. This month, I encouraged five community members to go to the hospital.

This month, I visited ten families and taught them about the importance of Education. We discussed how an education will open doors to success and blessings, and their children must be sent to school to help their future.

Income Generation
I met with three families who are doing a good job with animal husbandry, and I encouraged them. I met four families that run microbusinesses and encouraged them to multiply their income sources. I’ve also been giving training and teaching community members about goat keeping. I even met villagers who wanted to do commercial agriculture farming and taught them TCD’s Income Generation ideas.
Thank you!
Written by: Kiran
GHNI National Field Leader
*For the purpose of safety and wellbeing, “Sajala” is a pseudonym for the individual being helped by this project.
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