Learning to Love Each Other
July 10, 2023
We continue to offer lessons through the Transformational Community Development (TCD) program during our campaign to stop violence and hatred between siblings. A sports day was held for the children who applied what they learned in the TCD program. During the day, the siblings Nancy and Martin participated. Nancy said, “I learned that I love my sister, and I shouldn’t do things that annoy her. I will bring nice things for her, help her, and play with her. Martin, my brother, used to make me angry. I used to draw, but he spoiled my drawings and ran, and whenever I tidied my room, he came and messed it up again.”
I asked Martin why he wanted to make his sister angry, why he beat her and spoiled her things, and he replied, “Honestly, when I tease her, I feel psychologically comfortable because she is playing with her mobile phone alone. After we learned and understood the lesson, I realized I loved my sisters. We decided to help each other, and if she annoyed me, I would go and tell her.” Nancy continued and said, “I made a decision that I have to love my brother and engage with him. We changed and stopped making problems for each other. I learned that I love my sibling.”
In the women’s class, Ms. Umm Abanoub participated and said, “I am full of feelings of rejection because of my mother-in-law’s lack of love for me, but after I heard the lesson in the TCD women’s group, I decided that I love her despite her treatment of me, but with limits. This strengthens my self-confidence. I also learned that feeling rejected is possible, but I have to offer unconditional love to others.”
Thank you,
Written by: Azmy, Hanaa, and Miriam
GHNI TCD Workers
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