Small Loans Make a Huge Difference
November 3, 2023
Africa | Food | Gem-Village | Income | Kenya | Sustainable Development
As one of our Transformational Community Development (TCD) projects in the village, the Village Savings and Loans (VSAL) strategy has been a great bridge for many families living in Gem Village to raise their living standards. Many have gone from zero income to being able to afford their family’s daily expenses. The VSAL strategy, which was pioneered by our TCD coaching team, has become a source of help and hope for people who have been marginalized through poverty.
Alex is one of our villagers who has become a member of a VSAL group in the village, where they pool their monetary resources and create loans among their members. He borrowed funds and invested in a chicken project, purchasing over 50 chicks, both layers and broilers (chickens for meat). He is now supplying eggs to the retail shops around Isiolo and broilers as a source of meat for restaurants in Isiolo.
Alex has been supplying meat and eggs for community consumption while making money to support his family. He can now send his children to school and save for his family’s future needs. In his VSAL group, he has been a great model for many, and his strategy has fascinated many VSAL teams and motivated them to engage in such a viable project. Many more small businesses are coming up in Gem Village; hence, transformation has become a reality.
Transformational Community Development (TCD) Update
Income Generation
We used to have 10 VSAL groups, but now it has multiplied to other neighboring villages like Lotiki, and they have created their own VSAL groups.
Thank you!
Written By: Christopher
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