Educating Parents on the Need for Education
December 19, 2023

Attir Village has been lagging behind in terms of Education. The community was very primitive, and they never saw the importance of taking their children to school. The boys were taught how to herd cattle, and the girls were married off at a very young age. GHNI came in and set up a primary school that has been very successful. The school has about eighty students and two teachers, and we also provide lunch for the children. The community also met and elected the school board of governors that runs the day-to-day needs of the school. We have also trained a girl named Diana as a Transformational Community Development (TCD) teacher. She is now one of the teachers at the Attir school, and she is gladly giving back to the community, showing the community the importance of Education. She is very grateful to GHNI for taking her through school and later enabling her to secure a job.
Thank you!
Written By: Christopher
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