Marketing Plan Promotes Sustainability
July 15, 2024

Farmers recently harvested their onions in Ngassa Village and they are pleased with their crop yields. Prior to the planting season, the Transformational Community Development (TCD) workers Babalola and Samuel had conversations with the farmers about how to improve their financial well being as farmers. The usual practice is for the farmers to sell off all their crops a few weeks after harvest. They neither save onions to be used as seed for next planting season, nor do they save any money from the sales. The majority end up sourcing for loans to feed their families and to buy onion seed repayable at next harvest season, a practice that continuously perpetuates the cycle of poverty. This time, each farmer has divided their bags of onions into categories- bags to sell immediately, bags saved for sale later, while some have been saved for family consumption and for seed, respectively. It’s a new learning curve for Ngassa farmers, which is aimed at improving each farmer’s personal economy and breaking the cycle of lack and indebtedness.
Thank you!
Written by: Shade
GHNI Project Manager
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