Niamana’s Total Buy-In
July 15, 2024

The people of Niamana suffer from insufficient and, in some cases, total lack of resources for Income Generation. Lack of resources makes the locals live in extreme poverty, with a negative impact on families and their physical, mental, and emotional wellness. The Niamana Transformational Community Development (TCD) program is aimed at addressing these poverty issues.
In the first quarter, one of the interventions TCD is bringing is the start-up of a cooperative society, in line with the TCD vision of sustainable development as opposed to relief programs. Adeleke, the TCD champion for Niamana and an experienced businessman, convened a community meeting to educate them about business start-ups and capitalization. Twenty-two people attended the lecture, including the community leaders, the representative of the local government chairman, the headmaster of the village school, and the pastor of the village church. Adeleke explained what a cooperative is, how it works, and the role each individual who is a member of the cooperative is expected to play. The participants asked questions, which were satisfactorily answered.
The outcome of the lecture was a total buy-in by the Niamana community. They informed Adeleke that they are set to start the cooperative, and they await information about next steps. Before ending the meeting, Adeleke tasked them with the assignment of forming a seven-member committee, comprising a chairman, secretary, treasurer, and compliance officer, that will superintend over the activities of the cooperative society. Niamana is beginning TCD on a very strong note, and the locals have demonstrated they are well invested in changing their narrative from poverty to sustainable development.
April showed the Niamana cooperative still in the formation stage. Activities were at their lowest ebb in the village during the month of Ramadan, which slowed down the process of appointing committee members for the cooperative. Once Ramadan ended and Sallah was celebrated, the TCD worker, Adeleke, and Solomon, the expert to assist with the cooperative start-up, were both set to move the process forward. Unfortunately, this plan was halted by the death of the village chief. As required by culture, the locals are now mourning the chief and are unable to attend TCD activities at this time. While commiserating with the locals over the passing of their chief, Solomon and Adeleke are waiting patiently until the funeral rites are over. We are waiting for the time of mourning to pass before making another move to visit the village.
Thank you!
Written By: Bukola and Shade
GHNI TCD Workers
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