Jan 18, 2024 | Education, Income, Katuwaghat Village, Nepal, South Asia, Sustainable Development, Wellness
Standing on Our Own Two Feet, Together Sreva* told us her story. “There are only five members in my family, and my financial situation was very difficult. I got a sewing kit from the local government for free, but I could not sew clothes or open a shop, and I was...
Dec 19, 2023 | Katuwaghat Village, Nepal, South Asia
Growing Gardens and Opportunities This month, I went door-to-door in the community to teach about the amount of safe water needed in our bodies. The lessons I taught this month were about healthy food and vitamins found in fruits such as apples, mangos, and even...
Dec 19, 2023 | Education, Katuwaghat Village, Nepal, South Asia, Sustainable Development, Water, Wellness
Excellent Economic Results This month, I went from house to house and taught about Education. Now 10 children have passed the exam! In order to get a better education, families also have to understand the subjects they are studying at the tutoring center. Two...
Jul 10, 2023 | Education, Food, Income, Katuwaghat Village, Nepal, South Asia, Sustainable Development, Water, Wellness, Women's Empowerment
Healthy Water, Healthy Food, Healthy Children This month, eight families received Transformational Community Development (TCD) lessons about Water purification and diseases caused by dirty water. During this initiative, five families received water filters from...
Apr 30, 2023 | Education, Food, Income, Katuwaghat Village, Nepal, South Asia, Sustainable Development, Water, Wellness
Seeds for Success Sanjona*, a member of Katuwaghat Village, shared her story: “We have eight members in our family. I am a Transformational Community Development (TCD) student, learning from GHNI/TCD. Before I came to TCD, I did not know about Income...
Mar 30, 2023 | Income, Katuwaghat Village, Nepal, South Asia, Sustainable Development
Communities Encourage Each Other In the first month of the year 2023, we organized a review meeting and discussed our past progress along with the work they’re currently doing. They are happily sharing the teachings they learn in Transformational Community...