Learning New Ideas Results in Transformation
August 15, 2022
Chainpur villagers are very happy with the Transformational Community Development (TCD) programme because it has helped them to live their lives happily and successfully. Through the lessons, people have learnt many new ideas which helped them to update their lifestyle and family living. This quarter, many TCD lessons have been taught according to their needs. People learnt how to seek local resources. Many people thought that they needed to go abroad to earn money. Now their thinking has changed. They can create opportunities for themselves, in their own village and earn money. Because of the TCD programme, many villagers raised their income sources in spite of life being very difficult because of the coronavirus.
We talked about going to the local government, to seek help to solve the village’s problems, if they have all sorts of problems. They kept meeting with all the villagers and went to the local government. They were taught about the safety measures for landslides and flooding during this rainy season. I taught Crisis Management lessons. This quarter, we supported one new Income Generation group of five members with TCD seed money. They are doing goat keeping, hen keeping, micro-shops, and pig keeping.
Kopisha’s* Story
Kopisha lives in Chainpur Village. She and her husband are actively participating in every TCD programme and class. Because of the TCD programme, Kopisha learnt so many important lessons. Earlier they had no family Income Generation source. Her husband did labour work. When they joined TCD, they learnt to start a family Income Generation source. First she kept two baby pigs. After selling them she got a good profit and she bought five baby pigs. Now they are happy with their income. Because of the TCD programme and seed money, she has raised her family’s income source. She is very thankful to GHNI.
Transformational Community Development (TCD) Update
Villagers are taught to only use safe drinking, cooking, and cleaning water for a healthy life. The TCD Committee cleaned up the water sources. We made a water distribution management committee and hired one staff person. We organised an awareness meeting about the use of safe water and taught ways of how to clean water.
We encouraged people to work hard and get more production from their farms. We taught them to use local manure and to avoid chemical fertilisers. A balanced diet was emphasised. The villagers got the two kg. of hybrid paddy seed per farmer in a 70% grant with the help of TCD from the rural municipality.
We taught about sanitation to the village women and encouraged them to use the toilet. We taught the villagers handwashing methods.
Parents are requested to send their children to school. Children are encouraged to go to school. We provided noodles and biscuits to the children who go to school. 99% of children in the community are attending school.
Income Generation
One new Income Generation group of five members were provided seed money. All the TCD Income Generation members have raised their income sources. Villagers do goats, pigs, buffalo, beekeeping, poultry, etc. and they love to do more as it is profitable.
Thank you!
*For the purpose of safety and wellbeing, “Kopisha” is a pseudonym for the individual involved with this project.
Written by: Kiran
GHNI National Field Leader
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