Education Brings Freedom
December 2, 2022
We offered a lot of Transformational Community Development (TCD) lessons at the Foundation for Community Development and Awareness, and based on demand and their love for education, we started offering a literacy class for women.
Madame Maria, a 67-year-old woman, came to the literacy class to learn, and she was very happy with a pen and notebook in her hand. She said, “You have fulfilled a childhood dream that I was deprived of, that I know how to read, write, and learn. Now I am very happy that I will learn how to write my name. I am the oldest one in the class, but I will proudly be one of them because this is a dream. I must achieve it, even if it is the last day of my life.”
We continued to introduce the TCD program in Ezbit El Nakhl Village. During the lesson, the child Marina participated and said, “I used to hit my older sister and my younger brother because of the TV. I wanted to watch cartoons, and my sister was watching Indian soap operas. I was very violent and shouted at my sisters, and Mama was annoying me and hitting me with slippers while I hit my sisters. However, I took a lesson on kindness and began to understand I must be kind in my words, actions, and behaviors. I understood and memorized the motto of the lesson (I am kind, not violent).”
Rania, her older sister, stood up and said, “Marina was loud, and she hit me and my brother, but she changed a lot from the first lesson and stopped her violence. Mama also stopped yelling at Lina.”
Thank you,
Written by: Azmy, Hanaa, Miriam
GHNI TCD Workers
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