Vision Trip Inspires New Ideas
February 3, 2023

In Mae Pa Pai, our Transformational Community Development (TCD) team worked with the development committee members to prioritize the challenges facing their community and decided upon improving pig raising techniques as our first project. A training will take place in the coming weeks via a partnership with another organization. A group of women from the sewing/weaving committee visited an up-scale market in the city to see other products that are being sold to give them ideas on new products that they could also sell. They were encouraged and said that they can make these items for sure. Initially, the group was unwilling to make new products, preferring to stick with their traditional ethnic clothing, but they now seem willing to give it a try. We also worked with the sewing/weaving committee on a marketing plan for their products including getting their Facebook Marketplace page up and running, and taking photos for a sign that the group will make and put on the main road in town.
In Huay Way, some challenges regarding the previously built water tank were corrected. Then, the community gathered to build two sections of road in their community. The GHNI team consulted a civil engineer from America to get advice on the best techniques for construction given the constraints of the community. The GHNI team also provided some funding (while the community provided the majority of the resources and the local government brought 30 bags of concrete, gas, and food) as well as worked alongside the community for the construction.
Also, outside of Baan Pongsa, the leader of another small village invited GHNI to come to conduct a one day vision seminar with the villagers to see if we can do development together there as well. We plan to conduct that seminar in the coming weeks.
Transformational Community Development (TCD) Update

There is an Ad Hoc committee currently being formed but nothing formal yet. Water has been identified as a priority and we have worked through the problem and solution trees and have identified the construction of water filters as a potential solution. More data gathering and planning is needed.

There is an Ad Hoc committee currently being formed but nothing formal yet. Trash in the community has been identified as a priority and we have worked through the problem and solution trees and have identified the construction of trash/recycling/composting receptacles as well as an educational campaign as potential solutions. More data gathering and planning is needed. This project may be on hold until more interested community members are found.

Income Generation
The sewing/weaving group agreed to try making new products. They visited an upscale market to get new ideas. We helped them on a marketing plan and with making a sign to advertise their products. There will be a pig feed training in the coming weeks that will help those who raise pigs to do so in a more economical way.
Thank you!
Written By: Trey
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