Mar 17, 2024 | Africa, Ai Djedo Village, Benin, Income, Sustainable Development, Wellness
Building a Palm Oil Strategy This month, our Transformational Community Development (TCD) efforts focussed on sanitation! Particular attention was paid to keeping the ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrine clean and tidy, along with the surrounding areas....
Oct 17, 2023 | Africa, Arigbokoto Village, Benin, Education, Sustainable Development
Launching Literacy Classes Arigbakoto Village has a primary school, but not all children of school age attend. There are multiple reasons for this, including living outside of the school range, an inability for parents to provide school supplies and pay school...
Sep 5, 2023 | Africa, Ai Djedo Village, Benin, Education, Sustainable Development, Takon Village, Wellness
How Simple Waste Bins Prevent Disease Takon locals are in high spirits and ever-willing to take on and participate in Transformational Community Development (TCD) activities. The positive impacts are obvious in their existence. In July, the TCD Worker Loko taught...
Aug 11, 2023 | Africa, Arigbokoto Village, Benin, Education, Income, Sustainable Development, Water, Wellness
A Plea for VIP Latrines The past couple of weeks, Transformational Community Development (TCD) focused on the children in primary school. The TCD worker, Pascal, taught the kids about maintaining a clean environment and various aspects of body hygiene, including...
Jul 10, 2023 | Africa, Ai Djedo Village, Benin, Education, Income, Sustainable Development
Changing the Poverty Narrative Kouti locals, out of concern for the state of underdevelopment in their community, began to look into ways to engage the challenge. Fortunately, Kouti village is resourced with the basic raw materials for each of these Income...
Jul 1, 2023 | Africa, Arigbokoto Village, Benin, Food, Income, Sustainable Development
Turning Peanut Farms into Smart Business Locals in the Don Zoukoutoudja community had a series of meetings in the past couple weeks to discuss how to increase individual and family income, as well as the economy of the general community. In the meetings, with the...