Sustainably Transforming Lives


It is a French speaking West African country and the birthplace of Voodoo. Benin is a very poor country with very limited infrastructure and financial resources. To this day, farming is accomplished through manual labor.


villagers impacted each year

Village woman handling goats
Village woman handling goats
Village woman handling goats

The Work in Benin

Two of the main villages where GHNI is working and bringing TCD practices are in Dassa and Tukun. One of the main problems is sources of water. In Dassa especially the only water well there in the village is one perhaps 20 or 30 feet deep dug in 1966, with only puddles of water and trash in it. Most months of the year, the villagers must walk approximately 30 minutes to get water for drinking and cooking.  In addition, they have to pay for the water from their very scarce resources. 

We are looking to help them build a hydraulic well as they also don’t have electricity. With the water from the well they could start their sustainable farming practices, which could be done using manual labor. 

Our Geneva Board Chairman Norman Hawkins recently visited our villages in Benin. He joined with a team of 51 people consisting of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and local staff. They were able to provide help to over 2,100 patients. Norm also got to evaluate patients for glasses, including reading glasses and distance vision, and distributed 400 pairs of glasses and 100 pairs of sunglasses. The people were so thankful, as for many of them, it was their first time to see a nurse or doctor.  The group also encountered much malaria, untreated high blood pressure, serious wounds untreated for months or even years, rickets and other deformities among children, and high rates of blindness.  Tragically, some of the cases of blindness were caused by severe trauma, or by acid. 

We are working together to provide hope in their lives by solving one issue at a time. With our support, people are now feeling confident that their lives are going to change for good and they are hoping for a better future for the upcoming generations.

Latest stories from BENIN

A picture of a blue, wagon-like processor.
Jul 15 2024

Women Triple Their Income with a New Machine

Excitement and gratitude are what happens as the women in these two villages anticipate their production of palm oil to triple!

A blue processor machine that has the shape of a slide.
Jul 15 2024

Purchasing a Processor Soon!

Transformation happens when the women in these two villages see their plans and dreams coming true!

The Income Generation Group in Benin listening to a lesson in a circle.
Apr 03 2024

Wanted: Palm Oil Processing Plant

Shortened processing time, improved quality, and increased revenues make a processing plant highly desirable!

An outdoor discussion from the Kouti community.
Mar 17 2024

Building a Palm Oil Strategy

The villagers dedicated their efforts to maintaining cleanliness and acquiring a palm oil processor.

A group of Benin children sitting during literacy class.
Oct 17 2023

Launching Literacy Classes

To address the inaccessibility of school and teach the value of Education, literacy classes were launched to help children attain basic literacy and numeracy skills.

The Takon villagers learning how to make secure and proper waste bins.
Sep 05 2023

How Simple Waste Bins Prevent Disease

Locals learned how to prevent the breeding of disease-causing organisms through proper hygiene practices, handwashing, and handmade waste bins.

A classroom of Benin children sitting at their school desks.
Aug 11 2023

A Plea for VIP Latrines

As students learned about hygiene, primary school management made a plea for the construction of VIP latrines within school premises.

A group of villagers sitting outdoors with chairs while they learn from a TCD worker.
Jul 10 2023

Changing the Poverty Narrative

Men, women, and youth are working collectively to establish employment strategies to change the state of underdevelopment in their community.

A Benin villager out in the field and pulling weeds.
Jul 01 2023

Turning Peanut Farms into Smart Business

To increase profit in their peanut oil business, locals planted peanut farms and are looking forward to a bountiful harvest and eventually a more profitable...
Indonesian villagers working on a roof with TCD members.
Jun 26 2023

Students Learn About Disease Prevention

The TCD team invested in the next generation by facilitating key Wellness lessons at a local school to encourage healthy lifestyles and prevent disease.


By donating today, you can help sustainably transform the lives of villagers in Benin. Will you join us to bring hope?

Adopt a Village!

Sponsor a whole village to sustainable transformation!


If you prefer to donate by check, please mail your check to:

Global Hope Network International
934 N. Magnolia Ave.
Suite 310
Orlando, FL 32803


For all projects or staff - including our efforts to prevent Coronavirus in some of the most vulnerable communities:

GHNI Switzerland
27 Chemin des Crets Pregny
1218 Grand Saconnex
Geneva, Switzerland

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Purpose: Your designated purpose for funds
Bank Name: Credit Suisse SA
Bank Address: 8070 Zurich, Switzerland
Bank Clearing No. 4835
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