
Sustainably Transforming Lives


Home to 8 of the 10 highest mountains in the world, Nepal conveys tremendous beauty and adventure. 

Nepal lies along the southern slopes of the Himalayan mountain ranges. It is an important location being landlocked between India to the east, south, and west and the Tibet Autonomous Region of China to the north. Nepal is known for its mountains, including: Mount Everest and Kanchenjunga.


villagers impacted each year

Ram Maya Tamang, Villager

Through TCD lessons, Ram's life has changed. She started local poultry farming with the help of her husband Dev Kumar. Her husband started a furniture-making factory with the help of TCD. They suffered from a financial crisis before, but now earn a sustainable income.

Dhanamaya Lama, Chainapur Villager

Dhanamaya joined TCD classes the committee provided a loan as seed money. She started a small food store in her village. She became so much happy and started income generation work. Now her micro shop is running well and she is being able to manage her family expenses. This is so encouraging to her and to the village people.


Check out the villages we work in Nepal!

Latest stories from NEPAL

Four children on a straw carpet and doing a study session.
Jul 15 2024

Changing Financial Futures

Renuka’s* story is a beautiful example of how TCD can help villagers create a self-sustainable life.

A TCD teacher sitting and talking to the locals about wellness care.
Jul 15 2024

One Goat, Two Kids, and a Cow

Just one goat can lead to a bright future and a feeling of freedom!

A Chainpur villager working with his bee farm.
Jul 15 2024

Watering the Withering Vine

The Chainpur community comes together to make sure their corn doesn’t wither away.

Ramantar villager, Anjana, with her small snack shop on wheels.
Jul 15 2024

Micro-Shop, Macro Gains

With one microshop, a family’s future blossoms!

Ramatar villagers building a goat cage.
May 06 2024

A Clean Space Builds Business

Simple steps such as cleaning a home or business can lead to a drastic improvement in morale and customers.

A picture of the gardening plastic tunnel at Chainpur Village.
May 06 2024

We Found Water!

A local partnership helped Chainpur Village drill a well deep enough to supply the whole village.

Children relaxing on a carpet while they engage in their studies.
May 06 2024

A Small Chance is All I Need

Through a series of small changes, Katuwaghat Village is seeing a brighter future unfurl.

A group of villagers in a circle as they learn from a TCD worker.
Apr 03 2024

Community Ownership Expands Income Generation

As more and more community members take ownership of the Income Generation and Wellness projects, partnerships can grow and expand.

A private teaching session at a family's house.
Apr 03 2024

The Seed Money Grows Again!

It is an absolutely wonderful day when seed money is repaid and can be given out to the next community members, allowing a repeating cycle of snowballing growth.

A teacher and her students during class.
Apr 03 2024

From Seeds to Goats to Seeds Again!

One family found they could produce goats from seeds and seeds from goats in a beautiful cycle of growth.


By donating today, you can help sustainably transform the lives of villagers in Nepal. Will you join us to bring hope?

Adopt a Village

Sponsor a whole village to sustainable transformation!


If you prefer to donate by check, please mail your check to:

Global Hope Network International
934 N. Magnolia Ave.
Suite 310
Orlando, FL 32803


For all projects or staff - including our efforts to prevent Coronavirus in some of the most vulnerable communities:

GHNI Switzerland
27 Chemin des Crets Pregny
1218 Grand Saconnex
Geneva, Switzerland

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In Favor of  Global Hope Network International
Purpose: Your designated purpose for funds
Bank Name: Credit Suisse SA
Bank Address: 8070 Zurich, Switzerland
Bank Clearing No. 4835
Account / IBAN: CH81 0483 5043 3460 4200 1