Martha is 38 years old and from the village of Al-Kom Al-Ahmar. She lived in a place full of garbage and did not care about the cleanliness of her house or her children. After she attended our Transformational Community Development (TCD) group and heard teachings on personal hygiene, she decided to start her hygiene journey by cleaning her house and the street. Through her example, all her neighbors decided to clean their homes and streets and announced with their actions that their cleanliness is an important part of their lives.
Hasnaa is a teenage girl from the TCD group in Bani Mazar. Hasnaa has a difficult family life, with a father who is indifferent to his children and a violent mother. However, I find Hasnaa smiling in the face of a difficult reality. She feels responsible towards her sisters and works to get all of them to their lessons, always coming quickly and cheerfully.
A group of teenage girls from Bani Mazar took a boat trip on the Nile and participated in a time of play and discussion. The hearts of those girls felt free because such simple joys are not usually available to them. They expressed their gratitude for the trip.
Smiles were painted on the faces of community families when we presented fans to them this summer. Most of the time the temperature was around 110 f, so having a fan led to their joy and made them happy.
Thank you,
Written by Keratina, Bassem, Fady, Eman, GHNI TCD Workers