We continued to provide Transformational Community Development (TCD) lessons in the teen group, and during interviews with some ladies, Evon shared her story. “I was always busy at home and cared about the media, my friends, and phone service. I was too busy to care about my daughters’ upbringing or to give them advice about their friendships. Over time, after listening to the lessons provided in the TCD group, I sat with my daughters to understand and guide them. I continue to follow their news, where they go, and who they talk to. I follow the ways of my family from afar. The result is that my daughters and I have become friends, and we share everything with each other.”
In light of the high prices of school supplies, which have tripled over the last two years, and the low income of many families, the TCD Education Committee provided 104 school bags with school supplies for poor children in order to ensure they continue their education. This caused immense joy for the children and their families. Umm Youna said, “I want to thank you. My husband works by the day, and the income is not enough. I was worried about how I would be able to buy school supplies for my children. You surprised us and were the reason for our great joy. I will be able to send my two children to school and continue their education.”
Thank you,
Written by Azmy, GHNI TCD Worker