I followed up with village children for their Education. We did continue free tutoring classes (thrice a week) for the village’s primary school children. I taught the children proper ways of hand washing with soap and water after toilet use and before eating.
Rayya* says, with tears of happiness in her eyes, “TCD came into my life as a blessing.” She dreamt of buying buffalo, but it didn’t come to reality because of her finances. She planned it four years ago, but she couldn’t accomplish it. She had saved a little money, and our Transformational Community Development (TCD) team provided her some seed money. Now she could buy and fulfill her dream. After getting seed money, with tears of happiness in her eyes, she said, “TCD came into my life as a blessing and helped me to raise family income sources.”Our TCD committee meeting was conducted, where some of the TCD members returned their seed money from Income Generation loans. The committee took a decision and selected three new beneficiaries who really needed seed money in order to raise their family income sources. By the TCD committee, we formed a savings group and made a rule of compulsory monthly saving in order to get seed money from TCD. This will help the community build habits of saving and be sustainable.
I taught village women about the vaccination of children and taking good care of them. Community members are conscious of good health. When I took a report of community children’s arm measurements last month, there was not a single malnutrition case found. Still, we have to teach the community. I taught community health lessons and the TCD team encouraged village pregnant women to go to the hospital for regular health checkups.
*For the purpose of safety and wellbeing, “Rayya” is a pseudonym for the individual being helped by this project.
Thank you!
Written by Shakta, GHNI TCD Worker